Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Destruction of Mangrove forest and the need for its documentation.

What's happening in Sal River? River dredging or Mangroove smothering!? Let's find out in this post. The river in question is located in Salcete Goa. Recently the river has been in the news due to the ongoing tussle between the Traditional fishermen community and the state government authorities to stop the dredging work. As per government view the dredging work is being carried out to desilt the river so as to allow sufficient depth for river navigation, fishing and other activities that will benefit the Traditional fishing community however the Traditional Fishermen community believes that their livelihood is at stake due to the environmental destruction caused by the haphazard dredging activity. 

In the below Sentinel II satellite time-lapse imagery from 2019-to 2022 of the river stretch between Varca and Carmona Village, it appears as if the river has been stripped of its jewels- the mangroves. 

A ground inspection of this stretch reveals piles of matured mangroves trees smothered to death under heaps of sand. A number of dead tree stubs protrude out of the sand on the river bank with machine cut marks an evidence of its death caused by humans. Take a look at the videos below captured along this stretch in Carmona on 25/07/2021 and in Varca on 28/12/2021 respectively.


Dredge caught in action while causing destruction of Mangrooves near Orlim bridge, on 28/12/2021. 

The extent of the loss is hard to quantify as most of the trees are buried beneath the heaps of sand, in spite of this there still a significant evidence left on the ground which needs to be documented properly so that the concerned authorities are held accountable. This documentation can be achieved by launching citizen science initiatives which can make use of open souce GIS software to collect geotagged ground data which can then be utilized to prepare authentic technical reports and measure the loss in terms of biodiversity, economic, ecological functions, watershed functions etc. Only by preparing such a report we will be able to draw the attention of the concerned authorities and seek answers from them. In the absence of such authentic data to substantiate claims the authorities in power easily plead ignorance to the subtle voices of the weaker sections of the society. GeoSensitive is capable of providing the technical GIS expertise and train volunteers to collect data and prepare authentic maps (sample below) which can be verified and acted upon by the concerned authorities. 

Sample Map from Geotagged data

To get in touch write to geosensitive.goa@gmail.com

Thank you.

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